The theme for the October Andre Kole Assembly meeting was “spooky magic.” (Okay, we’re not incredibly creative in our themes, but we are the best-looking SAM Assembly in the Phoenix area!) More than one person performed effects purchased at the local IBM’s swap meet from last month. One man’s trash is another’s spooky magic…
David Boehm started things off with a spirit slate routine about a kid named Tommy who passed away long ago. As David said, “…she waited for some sign from Tommy…” someone’s phone rang and VP Tank Hanna piped up, “Tommy?!” So the meeting was off to a rocking start.
Club Treasurer Doug Northway performed an effect about the Titanic and the people who perished or survived the wreck. Two helpers magically (and unknowingly until the last) sorted pictures of the passengers into one of those two piles.
With another prize from last month’s swap meet, Bruce Kundin showed four skulls in red bags to tell the story of a witch casting a horrible spell — and then Bruce magically picked out the bag holding the cursed skull.
Craig Brooks pulled out a pocket knife but the only violence that came about was when President Robert Ray used it to stab a deck of cards and Craig used that to find the card our Prez had chosen earlier.
It’s cool when you see something taken a bit farther than usual — Ed Mukai didn’t just perform a magic square, he used it as a way to predict a chosen card. Kind of like if ACAAN and Magic Square had a love child (and it turned out to be cute and not an abomination.)
Gary Lazok showed a skeleton key that kept reappearing no matter how many times he put it in his pocket. He then blew the mind of the club Secretary with a simple mentalism effect. Not just simple, but freaking simple! Apparently the Secretary’s mentalism cred took a huge hit that night.
Then it was my turn (club Secretary Jay Jennings) and I performed a version of Steve Dela’s Will to Read (Light) that was well received, but didn’t blow any minds like Lazok’s effect blew mine! (Just you wait, Gary! Next month!)
Finally we wrapped up the evening with a business discussion, beginning with a treasurer’s report and then right into a spirited discussion about promoting the club in order to bring in new members. (Especially members that aren’t already graying…)
How to get information on your clubs, there’s no contact information on your websites that I can see.
Is there a person I can contact?
Thank you
Bruce, sorry about that — we’re still getting our new sites up to speed. Here are some email address you can use to reach club officers: – Robert Ray – Doug Northway – Jay Jennings (that’s me!)