June 2024 Meeting Report

The second June meeting of the Phoenix Magic Club (combined SAM 248 and IBM 55) had the theme of Square or Circle Magic, to be interpreted however each performer felt. Date: June 18, 2024 Attendees Who Performed: • Bruce Kundin• Bill Halmi• Tank Hanna• David Boehm• Doug Northway• Ed Mukai• Dennis Vance Bruce Kundin kicked off the meeting with some […]

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April 2024 Meeting Report

We had a great turnout for our annual election — lots of members, some new people, and fun magic, too. Our officers for 2024/2025 are: Congratulations to all! After the election we settled down to do some magic, with David Boehm leading off showing us Turn (Peter Pellikaan), a packet trick where the card fronts and backs kept changing. It […]

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A Message From Tank Hanna, SAM Club President

Dear all magic members, fans, hobbyists, and well wishers… Thank you for supporting me as president of the IBM & SAM clubs.    Let me start by calling out the elephant in the room – Yes, I do want to combine the clubs. But I think once you hear the ‘why’, you’ll believe in me and my vision. Before I jump […]

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March 2024 Meeting Report

The theme this month was story magic — effects with a good story, or even just tell a good story about magic past or present. We weren’t sure what that theme would bring out, but it turned out fun! Unusual for us, but we had a “business meeting” first, with some out-of-the-box thinking about how to get more members into […]

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December 2023 Banquet & Awards Report

Our annual banquet was held at the normal meeting place, Denny’s. (What we lack in fancy, we make up for in fun!) No business after the food — it was time for awards! A member of Assembly 248 for decades, and club officer for many of those years, Jerry Ferguson received the Lifetime Achievement Award for his work with the […]

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November 2023 Meeting Report

Our theme for the November meeting was “perform using a book or magazine.” (For half the points, any effect you read in a book or magazine, or for zero points, any other effect that you like.) President Robert Ray started out with the Hoy Book Test and it drilled home to me that reading about an effect and watching it […]

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October 2023 Meeting Report

The theme for the October Andre Kole Assembly meeting was “spooky magic.” (Okay, we’re not incredibly creative in our themes, but we are the best-looking SAM Assembly in the Phoenix area!) More than one person performed effects purchased at the local IBM’s swap meet from last month. One man’s trash is another’s spooky magic… David Boehm started things off with […]

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June 2023 Meeting Report

We’re playing “Musical Dates” with our assembly meetings for another couple months until they settle down, but even with that we had a good group show up. Chris Rose performed a variation of Chicago Opener, and then gave us a quick tutorial on how to toss a card on the floor without it flipping over. Yes, it’s an uncommon move, […]

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